Dec 29
Shabat (Sabbath) preparations start on Friday, early in the afternoon. All stores close at 2, so if you forgot something, you are just out of luck. Some smart/frugal (or super poor) shoppers hit the shuk (open market) right at 1:30. The men practically give you the fruits and vegetables for free so they can go home. Shabat starts at sundown, at which time you light the candles, and share a meal together. At Granny’s house we had a very relaxing afternoon and delicious dinner with Rebekah’s home-made hallah bread. And in other news: It is green here since they have had rain and the temperature is in the 60-70s depending on where you stand. We took a walk just as the Shabat was coming to a close right along with an amazing sunset. Shabat Shalom!
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