Jan 10


by in Jordan, Mom

Just a little background first – Read (Numbers 20:2-29) in the Bible. Petra was the Capital of the Edomites from whence the King of Edom refused the Israelites passage! We arrived in Wadi Moussa, the town that’s perched on the hill at the entrance Petra, just in time to find a nice hotel, a cheap place to eat, and a killer bakery. We woke up at 5 sharp the following morning with the call of the muezzin from the mosque that was right next to our hotel. Lucky for everyone we fell back to sleep for a bit. It was sunny but chilly on our first day in Petra. There were few tourists around because it’s winter and that means slow season – just the way we like it. We walked all day and even climbed the 800 steps to the Monastery. Petra is incredibly extensive. It goes on and on. It is hard to imagine that this place was bustling with people thousands of years before Christ. So much history – conquering empires, earthquakes, kings and queens, floods, you name it. No problem falling asleep that night… until the wind howled and the rain poured… and until 5 sharp… Lucky for us it actually rained in Petra for the first time in a year and we got to see it all flooding and wet and empty of tourists. I’m not sure how to describe the day and do it justice so I won’t even try. Suffice it to say, we had the place to ourselves and it was incredible. We walked an outer, less-traveled loop (6-8 miles) that day! I’m guessing that our family will talk about Petra for a long time to come. It should be on your Bucket List is it isn’t already. Don’t miss page 2 of the album!


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    Error thrown

    Call to undefined function ereg()