Mar 23

Cheers, Lovely, Smashing!

by in England, Mom

“Cheers, lovely, smashing!” Yep. We are in England and they really say it just like that. At least the elderly lady beside me said it as she was handed a hot coffee. We went to church with the Sakakinis on Mothering Sunday and had coffee and cake after the service. Mothering Sunday is the European version of Mother’s Day, but it is celebrated throughout Europe on the 4th Sunday of lent and is rooted in Christianity more than greeting card marketing. It is a day when you take a break from “fasting” and enjoy a slice of delicious Simnel Cake, a traditional confection served on Mothering Sunday. It is fruity with a marzipan layer in the middle and top. Rebekah helped decorate theirs. The rounds balls on top represent the 11 apostles. And, just like in America, flowers were handed out, mothers were honored, and florists made a small fortune. As you’ll see in the photos, Old Basing is a wonderfully quaint town – very old with a long history.


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