Apr 13


by in Friends!, Mom

Therese and Jeb go way back. Therese was an exchange student from Sweden when Jeb was a High School senior in Oregon.  They spent all their free time that winter skiing together at Mt. Bachelor. Therese also spent most days before and after school with Jeb and his sister. They ate a lot of cereal and watched Yogi Bear re-runs. We have stayed in touch all these years and the day finally arrived that Jeb “made it to Sweden”. Therese and Tobias have 3 super cute boys. Filipe 9, Jakob 7, and Oskar 4. What fun to see them here in Sweden in their home. Tak, Therese and family, for a very fun week! IMG_2038 Here they are from right – Therese, Jeb, Jennifer, Scott, and Carol –


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