Apr 16
by Jeb in Sweden, The Big Dad
In the kitchen on our first evening in Are, Therese says, “In Sweden we drink coffee. All the time we drink coffee. Do you guys drink coffee?” Of course we drink coffee. We’re from Washington. In our family, at least, we mostly drink coffee in the morning and then let the caffeine fade out of our systems for the rest of the day. It’s nice to have God’s Gift for the Morning able to do its good work again each day. In Sweden they also have coffee with breakfast, and after dinner. Maybe even with lunch. Fika comes mid-morning and mid-afternoon. These are the times that you have a cinnamon roll and then seven!! different kinds of cookies with your coffee. If you want to do it the traditional way, put a sugar cube between your teeth and suck the coffee through it. I always thought filter coffee was made by a drip machine, and who knew that Pastor Phil’s Christmas cookie party isn’t the only event that could send me into a sugar coma. Anyway, when in Sweden, do as the Swedes do, and as you might imagine, we are now immune to the effects of caffeine. I guess we will have to do some sort of detox before we return to home and to work!