Apr 22

Budget Air Travel

by in Logistics, The Big Dad, Travel Tips

Once upon a time mortal travelers could afford Eurail Passes.  Almost any mode is cheaper now and many times air is the cheapest of all.  Ticket buyers beware, though, it may not be so simple.  Poking the ‘buy now’ button feels good when the price is 15 Euro. But wait, there’s more…taxes are another 15. If you want to bring a 15 kilo bag that is another 35.  Still, you can fly point to point for around $100 usually.  Not bad! Except that you will embark from a farmer’s barn 40 miles from the nearest town.  The good news is that they will have syphoned all the fuel from his tractors.  It will definitely be enough to fly for at least an hour and allow you make a safe landing at one of the many available WWII auxiliary fields between you and your destination.  Busses will be staged there and for about the price of your airplane ticket they will take you on to the city that you thought you were flying to.  This is good because flying over all the sights so high up there and through a tiny little window the size of an ipad would suck.  It is nice to see some of them through a great big bus window and from ground level which is much closer. Also you get to push and shove for your seat, but that is no big deal because it only cost 15 Euro. xoxxoXoxxoO 🙂


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