Jan 10

The Stockers

by in Friends!, Jordan, Mom, What the Erf?

I am pleased to introduce you to long-time friends of my mom’s, The Stockers! We finally got to meet them. You know you are going to get along great with someone if during one of your first conversations the husband quotes a line from one of your favorite movies – “Forrrr freeeeeeee?” – and then the wife offers to take you after dinner to her favorite place – a large outdoor market where everything from Goodwill and European clearance racks ends up and it all costs from 1-5 JD. Sweeeeet! Thomas, Frederica, Andreas, Lucas, and Miriam. They are Swiss-German, but have lived and worked all over the world. Awesome family! To give you an idea about them – They are the European version of the Butlers. Ha! Did I just say we were awesome?! So, as you can imagine, we talked business, life, money, children, faith, movies… Thanks, Stockers, for letting us join your family. It was FUN!

The Stockers


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