It was strange for me to be driving down the Jordan Valley last week in my mom’s car… on the Jordan side looking back across at Israel! From our house in Poriyya, I grew up looking out across the valley at Jordan, but it was forbidden for us to go there – until recently. My mom (who now regularly flies from Amman, Jordan to Africa) treated us to 5 days in Jordan. And what a treat it was! We stayed with her good friends (and their 3 kids who are the ages of Rebekah and Levi) in Amman the first and last nights. In between, we all traveled south together on the Desert Highway to Al Karak and Wadi Rum. Then (without our hosts who returned home to Amman) we headed to Petra for 2 days and nights. Al Karak, one of the largest, mostly-intact Crusader Castles in the Middle East was actually built by Payen the Butler (we’re pretty sure an ancestor of ours…). Lots of tunnels and passageways to explore! Wadi Rum in Southern Jordan was definitely a highlight, and, just in case you were wondering, it is for good reason that Petra is one of the Seven Wonders of the World!
I must add that a large part of our experience in Jordan had to do with the crazy driving. Besides the fact that lanes and their lines don’t mean anything and everyone drives like crazy people, we survived driving in every weather condition imaginable. I really mean it when I say we survived. Rain storm, hail storm, snow storm, wind storm, sand storm, flooding, and dense fog. Each one came with such incredible force. Large shipping containers were flying off their trucks and sliding down the highway. Little trucks and cars were flipping. Plastic bags and garbage were flying through the sky like flocks of birds. We even saw a full rainbow at one point. Jeb also did a fabulous job of slowing down in time for the intermittent speed bumps that appear suddenly on the highway and are especially hard to see at night. We were happy to make it back across the border and back to Granny’s house.