Mar 22

Battery Lodge

by in Logistics, Mom, Scotland

Finding lodging each place we go always proves to be an adventure. We’ve booked places in advance and had the dates all wrong. We’ve showed up cold turkey other places and found better prices than if we had booked. You just really never know. One thing is always the same, however, and that is that when we are “shopping around” for a place to stay, we’ve learned to ALWAYS pick the place with the nice people regardless of price. We do learn and on the occasion of arriving on the Isle of Bute, we went from B&B to hotel to B&B. We chose Battery Lodge on the waterfront because the lady of the house seemed so nice. We are glad we did! Lorraine and Martin were wonderful hosts, lighting the fire at night, letting us use the big, old kitchen for preparing food, and best of all, taking Rebekah out to the farm to have a ride on their horse, Finn, an honest to goodness English hunting horse. The Lady Bute (wife to the 7th Marquess of the Stuart Mansion) even hires the horse a few weeks a year to ride on her private mansion grounds. Totally cool! Lorraine and Martin, if you are reading this post, we want to thank you again for such a lovely stay.


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