Apr 30

Paris and the Questions

by in A Thousand Words, France, Rebekah

Well, its over… and I’m happy for that. I’m not saying the trip wasn’t awesome. It was! I’m just happy to be somewhere that I know. Paris was really fun and If I had to live in a city that would be on the top of the list. Now, to answer some of those questions that I know all of you will ask. #1. How was your trip? It was awesome… duh. #2.What was your favorite place? Well, that’s a hard one, but I would say my top three would be Ton Sai, Thailand, Jordan, and France. #3. What was the funnest thing you did? We went to see the play Monty Python in London. It rocked. #4. Would you do a trip like this again? NO, not one exactly like this. #5. Where would you like to go back to? Thailand, Israel, Greece ( I want to go to the Island, Kalymnos for the climbing) Nice, and Paris, France. #6. Where do you want to go next? Spain and  Portugal are next on the list. P.S. If you have read this, please don’t ask me the questions that I just answered. 😉

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